
Teenagers drink a bathtub of sugary drinks a year

British teenagers consume sugary drinks equivalent of nearly a bathtub on average in a year, Cancer Research UK reported.

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  • The research showed that children aged between 11 and 18 year old consume three times more the recommended limit of sugar intake.
  • Sugary drinks have become their main source of added sugar, making up 30 per cent of their total intake, the researchers said.
  • "It's shocking that teenagers are drinking the equivalent of a bathtub of sugary drinks a year," said Alison Cox, Director at Cancer Research UK -- charity research organisation in Britain.
  • According to previous studies, consumption of sugary drinks results in greater weight gain as well as increases body mass index (BMI) -- a risk factor for many diseases, such as diabetes and various form of cancers.
  • The increased consumption should be minimised by imposing food taxes, the researchers suggests.
  • "We urgently need to stop this happening and the good news is that the sugar tax will play a crucial role in helping to curb this behaviour," Cox said. 
  • The introduction of a 20 per cent excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages could prevent 3.7 million people from becoming obese by 2025, the study noted.
  • The food taxes can both achieve a reduction in the consumption of added sugar as well as encourage manufacturers to reduce levels of sugar or fat in their products.
  • In addition, the government should also place a ban on the junk food advertising on TV before 9 p.m., the researchers recommended.


Teenagers drink, bathtub, sugary drinks a year


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